


Does Your Sound Library Support Your Creative Goals?

We'll help you uncover the strengths & weaknesses in your current sound library workflow, passing our 15+ years of industry knowledge and best practices onto you. 

Sign Up to Get Your Free Library Analysis >>>

Sign up for your no-obligation Creative Analysis of your sound workflow, and receive a free Odyssey Collection: Starter library (4000+ sounds / $399 value) to add to your sonic toolbox.

**Offer valid through 12/31/20 for qualified teams and schools only**

How It Works

  • Complete a 10 minute questionnaire
  • Receive a free report detailing your sound library & creative workflow's Areas of Excellence & Sonic Slumps
  • Receive a free Odyssey Collection: Starter library (4000+ sounds / $399 value)

Discover how your audio post workflow measures up to your industry's standards, and ensure your team's sonic success in Next-Gen media creation.

Together we'll uncover your hidden strengths & weaknesses, to help you save time and create your best sounding work for years to come.

**Offer available for qualified companies and schools only.**

Additional Benefits

  • Save time on future projects by avoiding sonic slumps
  • Increase production value by capitalizing on your Areas of Excellence & by optimizing your sound workflow
  • Gain peace of mind by creating with confidence, knowing your sound workflow stands up to industry standards

"PSE helped VICE to totally transform our audio post workflow, from both a creativity and efficiency standpoint"

john northcraft-1John Northcraft
Sr. Audio Post Engineer, VICE Media
